We are raising money in memory of rugby players who have left us too soon. In 2019 we are running our 3rd, annual Fancy Dress Touch Rugby competition at Abbeydale Sports Center, Sheffield, in order to bring people together and raise money to support an amazing cause. If you can't come and play, but would like to donate, then this is the place for it!!
Fancy Touch is going from strength to strength, having raised £1,308.07 for CRY in 2017 and over £5,000 in 2018, with 20 teams taking part on the day. The money raised helps CRY to run their free heart scanning sessions, which cost the charity around £3,000 per day. we are lucky enough that they do one of these days at Abbeydale Sports Club each year, and in 2017 they identified 6 young people with possible cardiac problems that could then be tested and supported through the charity. The money raised in 2018 has covered the cost of the 2019 scanning day and more, which is a huge achievement.
We have lost members of the Abbeydale Rugby clubs in the last couple of years who left us too young, including my amazing partner Matthew Wright. The probable cause of his leaving us so early was an inherited heart defect that was overlooked by medical professionals despite the signs, which people like the amazing CRY charity help to look for, support and cure. Rugby was Matt's passion, he lived and breathed it, and we thought what better way to honour his memory, along with other members of the rugby club who have left us too early, than to have a Fancy Dress Touch Rugby competition.
CRY are a charity that help people by offering screening and support for people aged 14 - 35 to diagnose and help with heart problems. Every week in the UK at least 12 apparently fit and healthy young people die of undiagnosed cardiac conditions. With your donation, CRY can reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death (YSCD) by working with cardiologists and family doctors to establish good practice and appropriate screening facilities to promote and protect the cardiac health of our young. By supporting CRY you will help save young lives from these potentially fatal cardiac conditions. See how your support can help by visiting