This year's FaLaLaLa Ladies Cocktail Christmas Party is on a fundraising mission to help Sky High for Kids!
Sky High raises funds for pediatric cancer research, as well as providing comfort to those enduring the battle. Sky High even holds a Christmas Carnival at the Children's Hospital in December! Help me reach my giving goal and you to reach your end of year write-offs by contributing to this worthy cause today!
There will be a Silent Auction at this year's party, as well as a Raffle for a gorgeous 14K White Gold Paperclip Link Bracelet, featuring alternating diamond links donated by Cathy Eastham Fine Jewelry!
Donate $50 using the link to enter the Raffle! Email or text Errin (432.631.4738 your confirmation receipt for your donation to get your name added to the raffle! If you do not send your donation confirmation receipt to Errin, your name does not get added to the raffle.
The Raffle will be drawn at the event!
Don't forget your e-wallet for the incredible Silent Auction Packages featuring kind donors from Sam L Majors Jewelers, The Canopy, Fraulein Boot Company, Ally Outdoors, Bush Tennis Center, Vie Concierge, Cathy Estham Fine Jewelry, and Raquet Club Kids Tennis Camp, Kendra Scott and Roux Water Outfitters!