IEF has provided quality education to 5000 children in rural Sindh province of Pakistan. At present all schools are in Matiari district. At present IEF has identified 100 more schools in Matiari, Badin and Hyderabad rural areas where the children have no access to education. These schools are government schools but they are not properly looked after. They have two rooms at present but they need at least five rooms to run five grades of the primary school. This funding will be shared with Sindh government education department and Qatar Foundation. The project will cover,
1. Construction of three extra rooms
2. Construction of two wash rooms one for boys and one for girls
3. Provision of furniture
4. Hiring of teachers.
5. Setting of computer labs
6. Free transport service to children of nearby villages.
Please donate generously so that we can start the construction work and also start the present class rooms renovation.