Our Goal: Raise $75,000 to ensure that Amphi students have the resources they need to reach their full potential.
The Great News: 100% of your investment will have a direct impact on an Amphi classroom, teacher or student!
Why you should Invest: For over 30 years, the Amphi Foundations mission has been to promote academic excellence through the expansion of resources to benefit the education, development and well-being of the students of the Amphitheater Public School District. Our programs are grounded in 3 focus areas: 1) Student Preparedness, 2) Innovative Learning Opportunities for Students and Educator Support, and 3) Opportunities for Students to become College, Career and Community Ready.
Over the past five years, the Amphi Foundation has reinvested over $1,000,000 directly into our classrooms and for the benefit of all Amphi students. Weve only been able to do that that because of YOUR support.
When our community invests in education, we all win!