Online Summer Sunflower Paint Party for Ukraine Crisis Appeal
Fundraising for The British Red Cross Society
Fundraising for The British Red Cross Society
On Sunday 24th April at 7pm we will be leadingan online Paint Party, painting our lovely Summer Sunflower in support of andraising funds for The British Red Cross’ Ukraine Crisis Appeal.
In return for a donation on our Just Giving Page, why notjoin us live from our facebook page for a leisurely placed evening of fun.Gather you art items together, grab a cuppa or a glass of wine and tune in at7pm when Sophie will take you through our painting step by step.
No experience needed. Doesn’t matter if you have beencreating art for years or haven’t picked up a paint brush since school.Everyone’s creations will be unique and different and we would encourage you toEXPRESS YOURSELF. There is no right orwrong.
You can either follow the instructions or ‘expressyourself’ by putting your own personal touches on it as much as you feelcomfortable to do so. If you so wish, you can change the colours (maybe to fitin with home décor or a favourite colour) or add extra details. At the end ofthe evening you should have a painting that you love.
Why not get family and friends together and all painttogether.
We will be painting using acrylic paint on stretched canvasbut you can use whatever you have at home. Watercolours, poster paints,pencils, felt tip pens or crayons will all work just as well. You can use astretched canvas, canvas board, card, paper (not recommended for paint) or eventhe inside of the cereal box. If you don’t have any supplies I can highly recommendPoundland as they have a great range of paints, brushes and even stretched canvases.The Range is also well stocked or if you want to really go for it you will findeverything you need at Hobbycraft.
Unable to attend on 24th April??? No worries.Signup as below as the live tutorial will be available on our facebook pageafter the event.
Materials List
Colours (be it paint, pencils etc.) – All only asuggestion – Feel free to change it up. Colours needed: Deep Blue, bright yellow, white, black, orange, brown
Surface - Stretched canvas, canvas board, card, paper (notrecommended for paint) or even the inside of the cereal box. Any size that you feel comfortable with.Ideally rectangle.
If Painting - Paint Brushes – a large brush for the background, amedium brush and a small detailing brush
Like our facebookpage - search Express Yourself Paint Parties
Make a Donations. We have made this event free by way ofdonation to the Ukraine Crisis Appeal. We have not given a suggested donation, so please give what you canafford / think is right. Just GivingLink is
Join our FacebookGroup. To support this event, wehave created a facebook group so we can communicate with you leading up to theevent and you can all share our work on the night.
The group will be archived one month after the event.
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