I started the #eversleyfrontdoorproject when the schools shut and little did we know, lockdown was a few days away. I started capturing photos of my neighbours standing outside their homes. Historically, it felt important for me to use my photography in a constructive but responsible way and I hoped the images might boost morale, conveying the hope and positivity in my community. It would also keep me busy, and help with my own wellbeing!
As more and more people volunteered to take part and I received lovely feedback, I realised that I could use these images of happy homes to create awareness of people who don't have happy homes and raise some money to help them. When the schools shut, I'd been troubled by the notion of children not having a safe place to go to, and then headlines such as 'Domestic abuse calls up 25% since lockdown' really caught my eye. I therefore chose Refuge as my charity of choice.
If people like the photo I take of them on their front door, it would be lovely if they could send a fiver my way. Every little helps. Even if I only raise £52 from this little project, it's nice to know that amount will fund an overnight stay in a refuge for a mother and her children.
(Needless to say, this project is conducted very responsibly in line with social distancing guidelines and I would never put anybody at risk just for a photograph. The photographs are taken within 500 metres or so from my home, no unneccessary travel out of my village required, and I tend to catch most people while I'm on my daily walk. I use a zoom lens and stand 3 metres away from people.)
It would be lovely to see you on social media, please follow me as:
One woman in four will experience domestic violence at some point in her lifetime and two women are killed each week in England and Wales by a current or former partner. Refuge supports around 6,000 women & children on any given day, experiencing domestic and sexual violence, female genital mutilation, forced marriage, stalking, trafficking, prostitution & so-called ‘honour’ based violence. By kindly sponsoring me today you are helping to save and change the lives of thousands of women and children escaping domestic violence.Thank you.