Hello and welcome Ennis house to our JustGiving donation page. Sadly we are unable to host charity week at our school, however this will not deter us from supporting a fantastic cause. This year we are asking all of Ennis to get involved with raising money for Danny's dandelion appeal; a fantastic charity thoroughly devoted to helping children battling cancer. We encourage all of Ennis to help support this truly benevolent cause by raising money via this JustGiving Page.
First things first
We wanted to say a much needed and absolutely huge thank you for all those who helped Danny's Dandelion Appeal not only meet their goal..but absolutely smash it during charity week. We are truly grateful for your continued efforts and your dedication to the cause is phenomenal.
What events are running this week?
Tuesday 13th July Lunchtime:
Ennis assault course.
Tutor time therapeutic colouring in.
Tutor time Reading challenges.
Tutor time races.
How much do these events cost?
Events will cost £1.00 each.
How much are we hoping to raise?
After an incredible year, this term we are looking at raising a total of £2400 We are already well on the way to making this goal a reality.
Final word
As part of the Ennis team, we understand that strength, determination and assiduousness are all integral to our house. Let's work together to support a great cause and round this year off on a fantastic note. We can do this together.
Information on Danny's Dandelion Appeal:
Children's Cancer and Leukaemia Group is a leading children's cancer charity and the UK and Ireland's professional association for those involved in the treatment and care of children with cancer.Each week in the UK and Ireland, more than 30 children are diagnosed with cancer. We bring together professionals to ensure all children receive the best possible treatment and care. We support young patients and their families with our award winning, expert information. We fund and support research into childhood cancers.
For more information, please visit about this amazing charity group: