Encryption is fundamental. It is the glue that holds the bricks of our digital world together. It keeps people safe, ensures we can share our most intimate thoughts, conditions, ideas, and inventions in confidence. It's also under threat by those that think end-to-end encryption is too dangerous for the people of the world to use to protect themselves and their data.
I've been a champion for encryption and privacy-enhancing technologies for my entire life, and I'd like to see if I can channel my love for encryption into running a fast half-marathon on Global Encryption Day on 21-Oct-2022 (Friday). My personal best at 13.1 miles is 2:27:33 on 15-Feb-2021, and while I'm not sure if I'll beat that, I'd like to try to get as close to it as I can.
Every dollar contributed towards my goal will give me that much more confidence that "encryption has a posse" and that people believe it should be protected and, moreover, that the Internet Society as a founding member of the Global Encryption Coalition has got encryption's back, so to speak.
Encryption's foes and adversaries have enormous resources and budgets, and only with the help of people around the world can we continue to fight for it, and for what it protects.
Encryption is a way to protect all sorts of data through different kinds of networks. It allows us to share private data including our financial details, medical records and personal information online in a secure way, knowing that it cant be intercepted or seen by other people. It means people can communicate with another person, safe in the knowledge no-one is listening in.But some policymakers and law enforcement are putting all this at risk by creating ways to break into your encrypted data. Why? Because they think this is the best solution to catching criminals who use encryption too.The problem is you can't just allow certain people to break encryption. If law enforcement can break in to your stuff, so can criminals.The threat to encryption is massive, but on Global Encryption Day, together, can we defend it!