Emyr Roberts

Emyr Roberts Snowdon Challenge For Alder Hey

Fundraising for Alder Hey Children's Charity
raised of £700 target
Event: Snowdon by Night (Alder Hey Children's Charity), on 11 August 2024 Start fundraising for this event
Alder Hey Children's Charity Snowdon by Night event


I am a retired pharmacist from Bethesda celebrating my 70th birthday this year. To celebrate the occasion I am taking part in the Alder Hey Snowdon by Night challenge in memory of Llinos.  

Llinos was my beautiful niece who sadly passed away in 2018. She received exceptional care from Alder Hey hospital throughout her childhood. The money raised from my challenge will be donated to this special hospital to help care for children and support their families. 

Thank you for your support and generous donations

 Emyr x

I ddathlu fy mhenblwydd yn 70 dwi yn cymeryd rhan mewn her i ddringo’r Wyddfa yn ystod y nôs er cof am Llinos. Mi fyddai yn ymuno a tim o Ysbyty Alder Hey i godi arian i'r ysbyty arbennig yma i helpu plant au teuluoedd. Mae Alder Hey yn darparu gofal i holl blant mewn angen i Ogledd Cymru.

Derbyniodd Llinos ofal arbenning yn Ysbyty Alder Hey dros ei holl oes cynnar. Dwi yn cerdded i gopa’r Wyddfa i wylio toriad y wawr er côf am Llinos ag er bydd ynrhyw blant o Ogledd Cymru a fydd angen cymorth yr ysbyty arbennig yma yn y dyfodol.

Diolch yn fawr i chi am gefnogi a noddi mi 

Emyr x

About the campaign

Alder Hey Children's Charity Snowdon by Night event

About the charity

Alder Hey Children’s Charity raises funds towards the pioneering work at Alder Hey. Your support ensures the 330,000 children we see each year will have access to the best facilities and equipment, and that the benefits of our innovating work are felt by families throughout the world #JoinUsJoinIn

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £148.75 Gift Aid
Online donations
Offline donations

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