I’m Emmy, I am 14 years old. In August 2007 I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I am a Youth Ambassador for JDRF. I am taking part in the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) 5K walk because I would love for us to find a cure.
Type 1 diabetes means that the body cannot regulate blood glucose levels on its own. It is a chronic, life-threatening condition that stays with people their entire lives. This is not like type 2 which is brought on mainly by old age or lifestyle and type 2 in the main is preventable through healthy eating and exercise. Type 1 is a result of your body attacking and killing your pancreas which you cannot prevent. Without insulin you become very ill within hours.
Although I don’t let my diabetes stop me from doing anything, I don’t want to have to live the rest of my life thinking things like, What is my blood glucose level like? How many carbohydrates are there in my dinner?
I would love to live a "normal" life. I have to test my blood at least 8 times a day, workout the carbohydrate in everything I eat even if it’s just one sweet. I have a needle fired into me every 2 days when I change my infusion set and I am one of the lucky ones that have insulin pumps, but this is still a constant reminder of having diabetes.
For just one hours reasearch it costs £65.
I am really grateful for any sponsors I receive, whether its 10p or £1 every little bit counts towards us finding a cure for Type 1 Diabetes.