Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me - really appreciate it.
I had great fun on the day!
My target of 1hr and 50 mins was a bit out of reach but I did complete it in only 2hrs and 8mins, coming an overall position of 16375, not too bad considering this year 54000 took part - I have never seen so many people in trainers before!!
Training Progress to date...
The possibility of hitting under 1hr and 50mins looks like it may be hard to achieve, as my current training sees me run 9 miles in about an hour and a half!!!
But on the bright side at least I am running 9 miles, that only leaves 4.1 more and what is 4.1 miles between friends!!!
Look out for me pounding the streets of Norwich - I'm the one in the Prostate cancer T-shirt!
Thanks for visiting my fundraising page.I am doing My Great North Run to raise money for Prostate Cancer, because I believe every little bit goes along way to ensure other men do not have to suffer this disease like my Granddad. He is fighting hard and trying his best to carry on with a normal and fulfilled life. In return I am going to run my hardest and try to complete the race in under 1hr and 50mins!!!
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It's also the most efficient way to sponsor me: The Prostate Cancer Charity gets your money faster and, if you're a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
So please sponsor me now!
And remember if you would like to do it the old fashioned way I have a sponsorship form on me!!!