My name is Emma Bird.
I am 17 years old and live in essex.
When i was ten years old, i lost my father to heart failure, when he had a heart attack in his sleep. since then i have SUPPORTED this charity (Britsish heart foundation) to give other people a CHANCE in LIFE. To give maybe your father, or another relative, or a friend a chance to have a life, so please give a DONATION, even if it is only a little donation, every donation will help someone out there to have a life, which will help them out incredibly. I cant bring back my father, but you could help out by giving someone elses father, or someone elses mother or brother etc a life that they were originally born to have!!
I will be doing the abseil on the 5th May 2013, EVERYONE is welcome to come along and show their support and watch! It is held in Harlow, Churchlangley at the water tower.