To support Bohunt Wokingham Fund Raiser and get fit I am going to do a virtual climb up and down the Eiffel Tower by walking up and down the steps to South Stack Lighthouse.
There are 3,330 steps to walk up and down the Eiffel Tower. There are 800 steps to walk down to South Stack Lighthouse and back up, so I will walk up and down 4 times, with additional steps to and from the carpark to make up the 3,330.
I would be very grateful if you would support me in this challenge and help raise funds for this fantastic school.
Thank you.
The Bohunt School Wokingham Community Association (BSWCA) is similar to a traditional PTA, but with local community involvement. Community members are welcome to join, even if they do not have a child at the school. The aim of the BSWCA is to support the school in raising supplementary funds through a variety of events and initiatives which will help the school to provide the best learning environment, facilities and opportunities for all students. We are delighted to have been able to donate funds to the school, the types of things we have been able to fund are:- Duke of Edinburgh supplies- House badges- Headphones for the Languages department. We continue to raise funds every year to ensure the pupils of Bohunt school continue to thrive & flourish. We are currently raising money to provide an outdoor canopy for the seating area for use in wet weather and for a potential outdoor teaching area.