Wildlife is in trouble. 56% of UK species are in decline and we are in the midst of the largest extinction event on Earth since the dinosaurs. In the UK we've lost 97% of the wildflower meadows we had in the 1930s and hedgehog numbers have fallen from 30 million in 1950 to just 1 million now. 90% of plant species need animal pollination and we rely on bees for every third mouthful of food we eat.
For 40 years The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country has been protecting wildlife, restoring wild spaces & inspiring people for natures recovery across Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. They look after 7 nature reserves and 2 Environmental Education Centres where each year thousands of local children enjoy a wild lesson or club. Just last year they improved 63 local wild spaces, over 1,500 hectares of habitat for wildlife to thrive. I'm helping them raise £40k so they can protect wildlife for the next 40 years. Together, we CAN reverse local decline.
Crisps are my favourite daily snack - salt and vinegar, prawn cocktail, Worcestershire sauce, salted, sweet chilli - I love them all! I can polish off 2-3 bags per day and the concept of a sharing bag is alien to me!
I'm not the sporty type so an energetic challenge isn't for me. Instead I've pledged to give up my lovely crisps for the 40-Day challenge in support of the Trust's £40k for 40 years appeal - please sponsor me through this gruelling challenge!!