Hi Everyone: Thanks for visiting our page :)
Dad and I have decided to set ouselves the challenge of walking from St Jean Pied De Port, which is nestled up against the Pyrenees in France. From here we will make the ascent using the age old Route de Napoleon; which of course is part of the famous Camino De Santiago Pilgrimage.
Our progress along the 170 mile of this route which we intend to walk will be recorded by the provision of stamps provided by various Albergues, Monestaries etc, these are made on credentials we have already received fromt he Church in Santiago, Spain. These of course, will provide proof that the journey has been made.
We are making this journey for personal reasons, memories of family and friends, and in the hope that the people that read our tale will feel inspired by our efforts to raise some money for a deserving cause.
We will be keeping a record of our journey that will see us often sleeping under the stars, but hopefully at times in Albergues that are run volunteraly by the hospitalereos that help Pilgrims such as ourselves on their way. Our tale and pictures will be uploaded on our return for all to see.
Please find it in your hearts to give what you can for this very worthy cause. It would be so nice to know that our efforts have done some good for others. Thanks to all - Emma and Paul :)