When we were told the crushing news that our little bit had died at 42 weeks it blew our world apart. Joshua would be three this year. As the years have past I have started to do things in Joshua’s name to maintain his legacy. One challenge I have taken on is running. It’s something I swore I would never do but I’m doing it, loving it and want to use it for my boy. So, please support me to take on the 13.1 miles of the London Landmarks Half Marathon. To give you an idea of the impact of your donation: £10 could buy a thermometer to help doctors at the Tommys miscarriage research centre predict ovulation. £100 could pay for a blood pressure monitor at the Tommys miscarriage research centre. £350 could fund a Tommy's midwife for a day on our pregnancy line giving specialist pregnancy advice and support.Thank you so much for your support!