Scal was the best friend you could ever wish for. She was completely selfless, never complained about anything and always had the biggest smile on her face. If you were having a bad day you could always count on her to make you laugh in an instant.
We lost Scal 2 years ago (104 weeks) and I can say for sure that not a day goes by when I don't miss her. She had the kindest heart and I and many other people could genuinely talk about how amazing she is for hours.
She will think the idea of me running anywhere is hilarious (and so will everyone who knew me in high school). Therefore in true Scal style I will be wearing one item of neon on all of my runs, so if you're in Cardiff watch out for a bright pink tutu running around. I will be heading out from the 20th of March till the 31st to do 104 km to raise money and awareness for Ataxia, a cause that is close to my heart and so many others, so anything you can give would be incredible.