The East London Mosque & London Muslim Centre has grown from humble beginnings to become one of the largest and busiest Muslim institutions in Western Europe.
Over 1.7 million people pass through our doors each year.
We serve the community for their religious, educational and social needs, and engage with the wider society to transform the negative image of Islam and Muslims in London and beyond.
This has been by the Grace of Allah, Who has blessed us with your generous support.
We need continuous support to provide essential projects and services.
Since 2002 we have completed 3 major projects: the building of both the London Muslim Centre and the Maryam Centre, and the purchase of the Synagogue building.
We currently have a net shortfall of £2.9m. This has been financed by taking Qard Hasanah from our community, which needs to be repaid in due course.
We are introducing 3 new initiatives that you can help the Mosque to achieve its long term sustainability:
- by donating some of your assets to the Mosque’s Waqf Fund during your
lifetime; - by giving long term, ideally life-long, Qard Hasanah so the Mosque can
build up the Waqf Fund; - or by leaving a gift for the Mosque in your Islamic Will as final
act of charity
When ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab acquired a piece of land, he asked the
Prophet, peace be upon him, how best to use it. The Prophet advised him to establish it as waqf, and give its profit as charity.
Muslims use waqf to build schools, hospitals and mosques, as well as to help the poor and needy.
You can do this by donating a portion of your property assets or savings to the Mosque’s Waqf Fund. This will help the Mosque become self-sustainable. The Mosque will use the Waqf Fund for halal investments, for example in properties. The funds generated can be used to pay off its debts, help sustain the projects and services for the community.
The second way to help is through a new kind of Qard Hasanah. You put aside some money for your loved ones when you die, at the same time helping the Mosque to create sustainability. The East London Mosque will return to your chosen loved ones after you pass away.
It always remains you money; like all Qard Hasanah, we will return it to you if you have an unexpected need.
The third way to help is by leaving a legacy in your Islamic will.
Making a Will is something we put at the back of our minds. But having an Islamic will is our duty, and essential for a Muslim to ensure that your wealth is distributed as prescribed in the Qur’an.
You can donate up to one third of your estate to a charity of your choice. We hope you will choose to give a final act of charity to the East London Mosque, by including this as sadaqah in your Islamic will.
There can also be tax benefits for charitable donations in a will.
If you would like to support the East London Mosque to develop its Waqf Fund in any of the ways described, please contact us.
Jazakumullah Khair for your support.