Ellie Phillips

Ellie 's 14 hour walk on the treadmill, on the 4th March

Fundraising for Rape Crisis England & Wales
raised of £200 target
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Rape Crisis England & Wales

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1155140
We are here for victims and survivors to end sexual violence and abuse


On the 4th March 2022 I will be doing a 14 hour walk on the treadmill at GW Fitness.

The charity I’ve decided to fundraise for is for Rape Crisis.This charity is an amazing charity that help people through the toughest time of their life!

In 2015 I was sadly raped,I can remember it like it was yesterday,I can remember being so scared and did not know what else was going to happen,to think you know someone and then they can do that to you just baffles me so much!How you can say you don’t want sex,and you say repeatedly no,and stop and they don’t listen,it was like the boy had just switched and thought he was so big because he had all the power and was just not listening to me,I remember my body was just frozen. I was just staring at this Liverpool clock that was ticking so loudly.I had tears streaming down my face,my wrists were so sore were he held me so tight I just physically couldn’t move,my wrists were bruised were he held on so tightly.I could smell the oranges that were in a black bowl that had a very strong smell.These 5/10 minutes felt like a life time,the most horrendous/traumatic thing that has ever happened to me and will stay with me for the rest of my life.That day that boy took everything away from me,he took my confidence away,he took who I was away,I just wasn’t happy smiley Ellie no more I just went into a shell.I went home and that night I had a shower and cried In the shower,I just felt disgusting and dirty,I kept thinking why me,why has this happened to me,what have I done to deserve this.

Days and months went by were I kept this massive thing to myself,I couldn’t concentrate In school,my head was just absolutely scrambled.I was having bad dreams all the time thinking it’s going to happen again,having flashbacks all the time,seeing things and it just brought everything back to me.Looking in the mirror I just felt lost and did not know who I was,Anyone who came near me or touched me I would just jump out of my skin and just be absolutely terrified.

A year went by and it was summer 2016 and i finally plucked up the courage to tell my family what had happened to me last year.That was the most hardest thing I’ve ever had to do,to sit down with your parents and tell them that their baby has been raped was the most hardest thing ever,but I’m so glad I did do it,when I told people it felt like a wait had been lifted off my shoulders.We reported it to the police they were very good and gave me a lot of help and support.Even though this massive thing was out which was good I just did not feel right as I felt like everyone was looking at me as I was the girl who was raped,just felt terrible.I reached out to Rape Crisis shortly after reporting what has happened and they were honestly the most down to earth people I’ve ever spoken too,they were there for me day or night if I wanted to chat about anything or just have a rant and tell them everything which was up,which did help me a lot and I felt so much better for.

The police investigation took a while,But the CPS said they had enough evidence to take it to court,so of course I was so happy but at the same time I was so scared and nervous because I thinking omg I’m going to see the boy again and all this, and my head was just going round and round with all these thoughts and feelings.

But Rape Crisis were there for me through every step of the way,they knew how anxious and that I was about the court case and when the dates kept getting changed all the time that was just getting me more worked up as I just wanted this to be over with so I can slowly start getting on with my life.

Finally in May 2017 the day came where I stood up and told my story,was so hard having to basically re live that day again,plus having my mum there having to here every little detail that happened to me must off been so hard for her as well.

I am forever thankful for Rape Crisis for all the help and support they have given me I will never forget it,without the help of Rape Crisis I don’t know were I would be.

Nearly 5 years on since the course case and I’m doing so well,yes I still have bad days were I think about what has happened,yes what happened to me was awful but I can’t do anything about it now,it has made me who I am today,and god I am so bloody strong and I’m so proud of myself!♥️💪🏻

About the charity

Rape Crisis England & Wales

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1155140
Rape Crisis England & Wales is the charity working to end sexual violence and abuse. We are the membership organisation for Rape Crisis Centres who deliver specialist services to those affected by sexual violence in England & Wales. Together we aim to educate, influence and make change.

Donation summary

Total raised
+ £35.50 Gift Aid
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