As most of you know Ellie was born just over 6 weeks premature, she spent the first weeks of her life in Ipswich NICU. I will never be able to thank the nurses who cared for her and for how amazing they were with us. We will never forget the time we spent in NICU it is something that you can never describe to someone who has not experienced such a time. I am very lucky that my little girl only spent 2 weeks in there even though it felt like a life time.
So as it’s nearly Ellie’s 2nd birthday I have decided I will run 3.5 miles everyday from 1st September until 30th September totalling 100 miles to raise £250 for BLISS.
On average parents travel 27 miles to visit their premature or sick baby in neonatal care - with some families travelling over 100 miles.But with access to neonatal units currently restricted - the current COVID-19 pandemic is making the barriers which prevent parents being with their baby even harder to overcome. Some parents currently aren't able to be with their baby at all - and for others the daily costs of travel to hospital and the challenge of finding childcare for older children come at a time when many families are facing job insecurity.Bliss know that babies have the best outcomes if their parents are able to be actively involved in their care. Your donation will help Bliss continue their work breaking down barriers stopping parents from being able to care for their babies on the neonatal unit.