Our sponsored wing walk was scheduled for September 2020 but due to the current pandemic we find ourselves not just with a new date in 2021, but having to find an innovative way to reach our target of £2000! If you would like the Crazy Chicken Lady (Lizzie!) to provide a fun & interactive Zoom workshop for your school aged children then please get in touch at:
All money raised from our wing walk and chicken workshops will go towards transforming the lives of hens - please give generously! (We have paid for the wing walk out of our own pockets.)
As long term volunteers for the charity, we volunteer on the hen re-homing days and are the poorly hen carers for Berkshire. We provide a permanent home for any 'poorly' girls, these are hens who cannot be re-homed due to the requirement of extra care, whether it be an illness, a disability or an injury.
Lizzie also assists with the BHWT school education program - teaching children about animal welfare, food and farming.
The BHWT is currently building a hen welfare and education centre, the first of its kind. This will result in improved veterinary care for pet hens by offering courses to the veterinary industry, improving pet hen health across the globe.
As well as finding forever homes for commercial hens and improving hen welfare, the BHWT educates the public about the use of caged eggs hidden in processed foods and encourages everyone to purchase free range eggs, produced in the UK.