Even if you don't know what you want to do at school, you can still end up doing something you love. That was me, and I want to show young people that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
That, plus I'm pretty sure people will pay to see me run 10k!
I decided to enter this race in December, and so far I have:
Bought trainers
Joined a gym wrong (I went a few times, then realised they hadn't signed me up properly and that I wasn't actually a member...)
Jogged for 30 mins in Hammersmith, then ached for a week
Jogged to work twice. It took me 15 minutes each way. It takes 20 minutes to walk.
So, please donate and help encourage me to train for this race! I will keep you updated with my training despair.
The Charity
One of the ways that Future First inspire disadvantaged students is by enabling successful alumni to go back to their old schools and talk to students. If you are interested, and you went to a state school, you can sign up to the charity and give something back to the place that got you where you are: