After seeming like it would never come I finally did the run last Sunday. The atmosphere was amazing all day and the crowds were unbelievable all the way along the course. I had been unable to train for the last couple of months after dislocating my knee and so was expecting to struggle and was just hoping my knee would hold up until I finished. The first half of the race went really well and was on course to finish in a good time but once I hit 7 miles cramp started to set in and was unable to bend my legs while trying to continue running. Eventually I finished the race in 2:06 which was 18,367 out of 54,000, which I was quite happy while considering. Overall it was a really good day and something I am really glad to have done. I would not have been able to take part in it if it wasn’t for all of the generous donations and am really grateful to all of you for that. I think I was the 4 highest raiser out of all of the Oxfam runners which was definitely something to be proud of and shows generous you all were. Thanks again for all of the donations, however I think this will be the end of my running career!