Like many people, I don't feel like I really achieved a great deal during the past couple of years other than breaking my own personal indoor loafing records. So when the opportunity came along to really push myself out of my comfort zone, whilst simultaneously helping others & hopefully making a difference by raising funds for an incredible charity such as Macmillan Cancer Support, I quickly decided I wanted to get off my arse and take on the challenge!
So, as part of a top team of 5 people (collectively known as 'Yippee Ki Yay Malham Footsloggers') I'll be taking on the epic challenge of a 26 mile hike through the Yorkshire Dales in July 2022 for the magnificent people at Macmillan Cancer Support.
Thank you in advance for any contributions you're able to provide to myself & the team. Your donations mean the world to cancer sufferers and their families up and down the country.
Thanks again, Eddie.