Thank you for taking a moment to visit my Chicagoland Ringer for MACC Fund Fundraising page! The MACC Fund is a 501c3 located in Milwaukee, WI whose mission is to find a CURE for childhood cancer and related blood disorders by providing funding for research.
The MACC Fund is unique in the childhood cancer space, in that their sole purpose and focus is to fund research to find a CURE. They don't support individual families, they don't send kids to Disney, they don't renovate hospital rooms; while all of that certainly has a worth while place in the childhood cancer world, their goal is to eradicate the disease once and for all.
Your support of my participation WILL play a vital role in finding a cure, and saving kids' lives. Behind every childhood cancer stat is a life--stop and think about that for a minute. In 1976 when the MACC Fund was founded, 20% of kids survived. Today, that survival number is just over 80% thanks to generous donors like YOU!
Thank you for supporting!