As many of you already know in 2013 I lost my son Logan at 4months to SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome also known as cot death) The Lullaby Trust is a charity who research into the causes of SIDS, support those who have lost a child and run a CONI scheme (care of next infant) which provides those who have lost a child extra support with any further children they may go on to have. ‘The Lullaby Trust’s strategy endeavours to halve the number of unexplained sudden infant deaths by 2020.
This September Myself (Ffion), Emma, Cerys and Adam will be doing ‘The Nuts Challenge’ a 7km assault course in Surrey, to raise money for the Lullaby Trust which is a charity close to all our hearts. How will your support make a difference? £1 can buy a room thermometer to help maintain a safe temperature for babies, £14 could provide one hour of helpline support from trained advisors, £110 could train A&E staff in how best to support families when a baby dies, £438 could alleviate the anxieties of a bereaved family by providing a breathing monitor for their new baby (and believe me when I say they definitely alleviate anxieties) and last of all £550 could train bereaved parents who wish to support other families in the future. If we can raise enough to know another parent can receive a breathing monitor would be amazing but to raise even more would be even better. Maybe we’re aiming high but ideally we’d like to be able to do this event knowing we’ve raised enough to fund one of each of these.
All four of us will be extremely grateful for however big or small you donate. Not only will it help many people but it will also help us gain the motivation to carry out the challenge, knowing how we've raised a substantial amount of funding to the charity that means so much to us. Thank you!