Wow, thank you everyone!! That's a lot more money than I was hoping to raise, so that's brilliant! As you can see from the photo, my hair is now pink and I've had lots of nice comments on it today at work. Now I've got to try and work out what kind of a Halloween costume could incorporate so much pink.... :D
People do all sorts of crazy things for charity - undergoing massive feats of endurance that can take months of preparation, or humiliating themselves publicly.
Me? I'm going to dye my hair pink.
You might think it's a cop out, but I can tell you from experience that having finally got my hair back to it's natural colour in the last few years it's a big step to go and bleach it again! Yes, I will be making it proper pink, not just "plum" :D
So, who's going to sponsor me? Well, hopefully you are. No donation is too small and everything goes to the Breast Cancer Campaign. As long as I reach £60 I'll be doing my hair the night before Wear It Pink day on the 31st October.
Thank you for visiting!
Lisa x