As you may or may not be aware my son was admitted to the Intensive care unit at St Mary's hospital during July. He was very unwell and the brilliant staff of Doctors, Nurses and helpers worked their magic to get Harrison back to health.
It was something that I will never forget and I promised that I would raise awareness (and funds) for their cause the very moment I could.
Fortunately for me I was one of the “lucky” ones chosen to run in the 2013 marathon !... Some would call that fate.
I’m guessing that anyone that happens to come across this page will be well aware that I’m partial to the odd beer/gin, enjoy filthy kebabs and that I honestly do find it tiring running a bath, so this is going to hurt !... Please give generously.
I honestly cannot stress what a brilliant charity this is and only hope that you will never have to find out.
Wish me luck – I am going to need it !