I did my best to grow a beard for Movember but Shaun said my facial hair scratched him so had to rethink a new plan ... Well i bet ya never thought you would see these words in print But i Jo Hall am giving up alcohol...... For JANUARY to raise money . For Cancer Research UK something that is really important to my family and me . I can manage a marathon unless its a chocolate one ,so going to give a Dryathlete a go ! All through January I’m not going to touch alcohol [except to hand Shaun a can from the fridge } . Not a drop . So instead of buying me a drink, I’d like you to donate. Every pound helps Cancer Research UK bring forward the day when all cancers are cured and boy do we all want that ? If i slip off the wagon between the 1 & 31 of January i will match your donation and donate that too. Please spare a few quid this event isnt sponsored by Smirnoff but it could be sponsored by you my friends Thanks xxxx The Dryathlete’s Oath I promise that I shall take part in Dryathlon™, respecting and abiding by the rules which govern it, committing myself to a month without alcohol, in the true spirit of do-gooding, for the glory of Dryathletes and the honour of Cancer Research UK.