The Donkey Sanctuary provides all-year-round community education, veterinary treatments and improvement of harness, helping thousands of donkeys. 172,693 donkeys were reached in 2011 alone.
Our projects over four regions of the country operate from Addis Ababa, Bahir Dar, Debre Zeit, Hawassa (SNNPRS) and Mekele.
We have 2 permanent clinics providing respite care to sick and injured donkeys in Addis Ababa and Debre Zeit, operate 5 mobile teams and employ 45 staff locally.
How you can help us
- £10 could purchase essential care kits to help working donkeys
- £20 could help improve harnesses for working donkeys
- £25 could help to keep our mobile units on the road
- £30 could help to provide water troughs for thirsty donkeys
- £50 could help purchase essential medicines and veterinary supplies
Thank you.