This year i'm running the Great Manchester Run on the 15th of May in aid of the British Heart Foundation, one of the most important charities which help the 2.7 million patients suffering from heart disease in the UK. Anyone can suffer from heart disease - one in 145 babies are born with congenital heart disease which is not an uncommon amount, while women are more than 3 times as likely to suffer from heart disease than they are breast cancer.
You may think that 10k is easy but i'm probably going to kill myself trying to do it in my target time of under 45 minutes. The average finishing time of the GMR last year was 68 minutes! I'm doing my bit in training hard for this so do yours by donating on this page, i will be grateful of donations of any size for this great cause, and i will also pay you back in love!
I finished the run in 45.45 which was just short of my target! however i finished 2493rd out of 38000 competitors, 1500th for my age group of 34 and under, 2342nd for my gender, and 1403rd for my age and gender. If this impresses you whatsoever please donate!