On Sunday 27th September, I will be cycling 72 miles to support Prostate Cymru, Wales' leading prostate health charity, in memory of my wonderful Uncle, Allan Stuckey, who sadly past away from this illness 12 months ago.
I have only recently taken up cycling and intended on taking part in 'The Big Cycle' which is Prostate Cymru's 72mile fundraising event. Due to Covid-19 it cannot take place, but the charity still needs donations and therefore I will be doing my own 72 mile ride in order to support this great cause.
Did you know Prostate Cancer affects 1 in 8 men, and the risk increases to 1 in 3 with a family history? Prostate Cymru has no government funding and is separate to Prostate Cancer UK. All money raised stays in Wales. The charities key aims are:- Raising awareness- Support services for those suffering with prostate health and their families- Training & supporting medical professionals- Research & innovation projects- Improving medical equipment for treatments in WalesPlease support me by donating to this great cause!#TogetherInSpirit2020