Well here we are again! We didn't realise that taking place in the Virtual London Marathon 2021 around our local area in mid Cornwall would end up having been a practice for the real thing in London in 2022!
Having fundraised for Cornwall Hospice Care (CHC) last year, we are proud to have been chosen by CHC to run in the actual London Marathon 2022 to further fundraise in support of the amazing work that CHC do.
We will rise to the challenge and are determined to have fun along the way with the fundraising, training and ultimately completing the London Marathon on 2nd October.
Hopefully many of you will support us on this journey through our fundraising events, training and on the day! Watch this space and Facebook for events etc.
One for the diaries is a Bingo evening on 29th April at St Dennis! details below.
A duck race will be upcoming.
If anyone would like to donate a raffle prize we would be delighted to receive them. Also if you have any ideas to help with our fundraising.
Thank you in advance for all your support!
Watch this space for updates.