I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) in May of 2007, days before the end of seventh grade. My diagnosis was traumatic in so many ways and learning how to live with a life threatening illness was a constant struggle as a young teenager. I had one other T1D friend in school until my mom signed me up for Camp Kudzu. Camp Kudzu is a non-profit organization that serves children and teens living with Type 1 Diabetes through year-round camp programs. Camp Kudzu has made having Type 1 Diabetes suck less and I have the most incredible support system of people who understand the exact same thing I'm going through. Camp Kudzu is vital to the mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing of kids and teens that have to deal with the everyday roller coaster that is T1D.
I'm so incredibly lucky that I get an opportunity to volunteer each year and give back to an organization that has given so much to me. Please join me in helping to give back to Camp Kudzu and help kiddos and teens that need Camp Kudzu in their life be able to come to camp. This new inaugural event is an opportunity to see friends, make new ones, and come together to raise money that will help send more campers to Camp Kudzu in the coming year!