At these difficult times I believe it important to help people facing terminal illness. Human kindness goes a long way to supporting people financially and emotionally. So I jumped at chance to be part of this challenge to undertake a 5 day survival trek through the remote mountain jungle forests of Sarawak Borneo and to raise funds. Any sponsorship you can give will do alot of good and be much appreciated. The group must carry all our supplies and sleep in hammocks so it will be test of fitness and survival skills.
Riverside have partnered with Marie Curie to provide care and support for people with terminal illness. Marie Curie provides care and support for people living with any terminal illness across the UK. Our nurses work night and day in peoples homes and our hospices offer specialist care. We also support people emotionally, provide practical information, and match them with trained volunteers.Your donations will help Riverside and Marie Curie ensure that everyone receives the care and support they need at the end of their lives.