Dennis Baron was our husband, father, father in law, Grandad and friend and sadly he lost his long battle with cancer earlier this year. As a family we wanted to do something in his memory and to raise awareness and fundraise for a charity which was relevant to Dennis's battle. So a group of family and friends have come together and call us brave or maybe stupid would be more accurate....we have decided to abseil down Barns Ness Lighthouse.
So on the 22nd September 2018 we will climb the 85 steps to admire the view and then abseil 121 feet down to solid ground! Some of the group are scared of heights and some of us are just scared, but its nothing compared to what Dennis and many others have been through.
The charity we have chosen is The Malcolm Dunlop Research Group through the University of Edinburgh. Professor Dunlop and his team really appreciate our fundraising efforts which will enable them to generate new ideas on the causes of bowel cancer, one of the many cancers that Dennis suffered from.
So if you can we would really appreciate your support no matter how small.
Thank you!