Hi everyone,
Many of you may know me and know that I have done a lot of running, some of you may not know this.
Before the pandemic I had run 67 marathons/ultras (longer than marathons) plus numerous half’s, 10ks, fell races and trail races.
However in early 2021 I was diagnosed with Cardiac and Pulmonary Sarcoidosis. A rare and incurable disease which has meant I have had to have a CRT-D device fitted. Cardia re synchronisation treatment - defibrillator. Basically a fancy pacemaker that also pumps the bottom part of my heart and my own personal defibrillator. This is due to cardiomyopathy in the bottom part of my heart and the disease also sitting on my hearts electrical system that could give me a heart attack without warning.
Approximately 2% of the population will develop some form of sarcoidosis and about 2% of them will get cardiac sarcoidosis. So typically I’ve gone for the rarest!
That’s the science out the way.
Now I’m not new to running, but, I’m new to running with such limitations. This isn’t going to stop me, just slows me down for now. I’ve had a place for London pre pandemic and have decided that I will do everything I can to run walk the marathon in October.
This will be a very tough challenge for me physically more than mentally but I want to do it to raise money for Sarcoidosis UK as well as making more people aware of this disease.
So please give what you can in this tough times and share this page far and wide.
Thank you x
SarcoidosisUK is a tiny charity that exists to provide support and information for people with sarcoidosis, and to fund research into a cure for the condition. It is currently the among the world’s largest sarcoidosis research funders, and is passionate about helping to find a cure. SarcoidosisUK is dedicated to funding at least one major piece of research per year, and will continue to do this until a cure is found. Please donate - we rely on your support to keep going!