Thank you so much for visiting my fundraising page.
I am doing my first ever triathlon to raise funds for 500 miles, a fantastic charity dedicated to helping support people in Malawi and Zambia who need prosthetic and orthotic equipment. Find out more about the charity at where you can see how the money is spent. My target is set to try to provide enough funds to train and support a student for one year.
The paragraph to the left is a quick intro to what the charity does:
For those of you reading this who don't know why this is important to me, the reason I want to help this charity is that my husband, Jerry, had a motorcycle accident in April 2007. After three months hard work by the great plastic surgeons in St. John's hospital in Livingston Jerry had to accept that there was no real alternative but to have his right foot amputated. It has been a roller coaster 18 months, made much easier by the terrific support given to us both by Astley Ainsley hospital in Edinburgh. I cannot imagine what this experience would have been like without this support and I really want to help others in similar, and worse, situations.
I run a lot, but have never done anything like this in terms of swimming and cycling so it is a real challenge for me. You can keep track of my progress with training at
Donating through Justgiving is quick, easy and totally secure. It’s also the most efficient way to sponsor me: 500 miles gets your money faster and, if you’re a UK taxpayer, Justgiving makes sure 25% in Gift Aid, plus a 3% supplement, are added to your donation.
So please sponsor me now, your support keeps me going!