WALK IN HER SHOES… Women and girls in some of the world’s poorest communities walk an average 6 kilometres every day to fetch fresh water and firewood. As well as the hardship these women endure, weighed down by these heavy loads, they’re often at risk of being assaulted or attacked on these arduous journeys.
The ‘Walk in her Shoes Campaign’ organised by CARE International is raising money to help these women break the cycle of poverty and benefit entire communities. For example, £650 will pay for a fuel efficient well, while £1500 will pay for a village well to be built. These can make a real difference to many in these communities and may bring hope for some of these women where currently there is none.
I would like to help so I have joined the campaign and will from 4 till 10 March walk 10,000 steps every day.
You can help too by either sponsoring me for the 7 day ‘walk’ or by making a donation. Please be generous, women should not have to work so hard and risk so much just for fresh water and firewood.
Thank you.