I am doing the 3 peak challenge on the 6th July. So Ill be climbing Ben Nevis, Scafall Pike and Snowdon all in 24 hours. Not only am i doing It for a personal challenge but i am doing it to raise money for SCBU in Wrexham that I can't thank enough for helping our twins get here. Our twins came 3 and a half weeks early and were both rushed to SCBU, connected to all these machines and breathing apparatus. It was a worrying time for both me and my partner. Luckily they both made a full recovery and are now The healthy babies they should be. The place was/is amazing, and deserves every ounce of praise it gets. I'm doing this just to give something back to such a vitally important place for vunerable and ill babies. This means quite a lot to me, so if you can please donate. 💪