Myself and some very supportive friends and family are challenging ourselves to a DECHOX and giving up chocolate for March to raise money for lifesaving heart research.
My daughter Eva was born on the 19th May 2010; the following day she was diagnosed with Truncus Arteriosus, a complex congenital heart defect affecting only 1 in 10,000 babies. We were told she would need life saving open heart surgery...
When Eva was three weeks and 5 days old I handed her over to the fantastic surgeons at Yorkhill Children's Hospital. We were told there was a 1 in 10 chance she would not make it through the operation. Over 9 hours later we were called to come back to PICU to see our tiny baby. She was so puffy and barely recognisable, attached to a ventilator, tubes, wires and monitors. But she was alive and according to the doctors doing well! Over the days we took steps forward (and a few back!) and 11 days after open heart surgery my baby finally came home!
Today she is a normal happy healthy 4 year old. She is smart, funny and starting school this year. She still has to be monitored and her future is uncertain with more surgery and treatments to face as she grows. Without vital research Eva would not be here today. Future research will hopefully develop treatments which are less invasive and traumatic. Eva is my hero :)
In addition to this my dad received treatment in the Coronory care unit in Hairmyres where he spent several weeks last year. He suffered several cardiac arrests due to an unexplained virus. Thankfully he is home now and recovering well. Yet another reason to be grateful for the medical research BHF fund!