Thank you for visiting my fundraising page.
As you can see, I ran the Sheffield Half Marathon successfully on Sunday 27th April! Got my medal! Thank you to everyone who sponsored me - your support is fantastic. I ran this for my Mum and my daughter, who both have type one diabetes. I admire them immensely.
It was fab seeing my family and friends supporting me along the route - hearing your name bellowed out to you really makes you run faster. Thank you all for that and for all your encouragement before the race. Everything went very smoothly, the race was well organised, so well done Sheffield.
The first few miles were easy, but after 11 miles I was thinking about that home straight (pictured)! I didn't ever walk, by the way, and even ran up the hills! I'm happy with my time of 2.28 - it was my first half marathon after all! And now, it's back to the running!
Thank you all again.
Donating through this site is simple, fast and totally secure. It is also the most efficient way to sponsor me: Diabetes UK will receive your money faster and, if you are a UK taxpayer, an extra 28% in tax will be added to your gift at no cost to you.
So please sponsor me now!
Many thanks for your support.