Dear All,
Here we go again.... I have decided to run London Marathon in April so that we can all
celebrate together at the finish line. (Any excuse for a party!)
most of you know, having had Anal Cancer, I set up The Bottom Line for
Cancer Research UK to raise funds in aid of the prevention of anal
cancer, a little known form of the disease.
The amazing Farrah Fawcett died of Anal Cancer earlier this
year, raising the profile of this ghastly disease. It has the potential
to strike anybody, anywhere, any time, but unfortunately research into
a cure does not receive anywhere near the level of funding of other
more common cancers. Your help would be invaluable .......
Cancer of the anus
is a potentially life threatening disease and accounts for 1.5% of
digestive system cancers with about 500 new cases reported in the UK
each year. Whilst not the commonest of malignancies, it is a cancer for
which treatment has improved and changed greatly in recent years. For
many years the condition was radically treated by surgical removal of
the anus and rectum with formation of a permanent colostomy. Even with
such radical surgery, cure was achieved in no more than 60% of cases.
In recent years radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy has proved an
effective alternative to radical surgery achieving cure and the
avoidance of radical surgery in the majority of cases.
Current research efforts are aimed at:
defining the optimal radiotherapy and chemotherapy regime for treatment.
in trying to better understand the cause of disease.
early detection.
identifying patients at high risk of developing the condition who might benefit from screening.
is however, very limited, and The Bottom Line hopes to significantly
contribute to the acceleration of the research efforts. The Bottom Line
will not only help to cure Anal Cancer, but will help provide patients
with information and valuable knowledge that will allow an educated
choice in the treatment of this disease.
If I hadn't had treatment, I would not be here to do this.
Yours sincerely,
Debbie Johnston