Deborah Smith:
Some people don’t have a warm bed to snuggle in every night ,food in their tummies , friends and family to give them love and hope. By some fortunate accident of birth I have all these wonderful things . It takes hard graft but I’m lucky that I am able to work,play and love.
Most of the time I take all these wonderful things for granted .So when Becky Ireland asked me to help to raise awareness of people who have not been so fortunate I thought long and hard .How will sleeping rough for a night help ? Well I honestly can’t answer that . If I get cold and hungry I could get up and go home . I’ll be safe because my friends and family know I’m there .I won’t be on my own frightened that someone could attack me any moment whilst I huddle in a door way . I will know it’s just one night and then I can go home .I won’t have to fall on the mercy of strangers to buy me a cup of coffee or prey that the a women’s refuge will give me sanctuary from a violent husband .
We all have our opinions of how and why the homeless are indeed “homeless”. Surely it must be their choice ? We live in a civilised country how can any body POSSIBLY be homeless in England ? But they are .. and we don’t know why or how .. we just know they are there .. making us feel uncomfortable as we pass them by whilst shopping. Do we ever really stop and think for a moment .. Why or How ?
I don’t know if it will help ..... but if there’s a tiny teeny chance that it may then I’m happy to try .