On the 7th December 2018 Joan was diagnosed with lung cancer and secondary brain tumours. On the 7th January she was admitted to Bolton Hospice, where she passed away on the 17th January 2019.
As a family we spent ten days at Bolton Hospice, where they provided invaluable care to Joan and our family, allowing us to spend every last moment with her and ensuring she was comfortable. Joan was a very much loved friend and member of our family, each of us having treasured memories with her that are very close to our hearts. As a family, we are therefore going to take part in a Midnight Memory Walk on 15th June 2019, to remember our beloved Joan and raise money for the wonderful Bolton Hospice that supported her and us, through this most difficult time. The walkers will include Joan's children, grandchildren, sister, cousins, nieces and nephews and many other family and friends that were close to Joan's heart.
We ask you to help us to raise money for Bolton Hospice, so it can continue to provide support to other families in the future.