Hello one and all,
Firstly, thanks for taking time out of your busy day to visit my new fundraising page.
As you may know, this year Im taking part in my 5th Great North Run and I am hoping to raise further funds for my nominated charity Lupus UK. The charity is close to my heart and doesn`t receive much press coverage. If you have a spare moment I would ask you to visit the website and take a look at the effects and how we can help support the charity. I leave it in all your capable hands to decide whether this is a worthwhile cause.
Aswell as the GNR, I will also be partaking in the Boro 10k on 21st September to get my slighlty rounded body into top notch shape to break all sorts of world records in South Shields. If you are interested, my current record(not quite a world record) for the GNR is just over 1hr45, I would be suprised and delighted to take a touch off this!
Anyway, once again I would like to say thanks for visiting and I urge you to donate just a little towards a fantastic charity.
I managed to complete the bad boy in a time of 1hr44:57, 3 seconds inside my target time!
Just a quick note to say thanks again for everyone who sponsored me!!