Guys - thanks for all your support.
Manged to finish the run - although the time was very slow and the pain was very fast.
However, Terry, The Clinic and I think the agony was worthwhile (well at least 2 of them do!)
Everyone has been so generous that we don't know what to say (something of a first for me!)
Terry is doing really well now and we're making the most of every day.
Will add photos of me limping round when Lell sends them!
Just for a laugh I wrote to Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Nick Clegg - asking them to pass on my note to their MPs - asking for a small donation for the clinic. None of them bothered to reply - even to say "flip off" - so I then e-mailed them asking why they hadn't bothered - still no response - guess they were all too busy making sure they'd got their full whack of expenses! So much for all their claims about supporting the NHS
Terry & Me xxx