Thanks so much for visiting my page and supporting Bloodwise.
LATEST UPDATE, I will be running the Yorkshire marathon next Sunday (October 20th) so this is now a three run challenge!! It will be the toughest challenge yet, but worth it to raise more funds for Bloodwise. QUICK UPDATE(18 May 2019). Completed the London marathon, completed the Great North run.: I Did it! Now I have to do it again,
Full update will be posted below asap. Now training for the Great North Run Half marathon, This site will reamain open until then.
Considering entry to the Yorkshire marathon (start at University so not far to walk!)
---------Why I am running-------
Running my first marathon ever is the challenge of a lifetime, but with your support I am sure I can do it.
Thanks so much for your donation and helping to beat blood cancer!!
OK, so why am I running and taking on this massive challenge?
Well please contact me if you would like to know the full story, I am really happy to share with you.
For now, I will just say I have excellent reasons to be the most motivated runner taking on this challenge (OK, any substitute for not actually being a very good runner will do!)
So,again, why am I running? Here are just some of the reasons:
In the memory of those who lost their lives to blood cancers......many inspirational people
To encourage those who are having their own battles right now
To contribute to ultimately finding cures and improving treatments to make them less harsh
If I can do it, I promise so can you!
I never in wildest fantasy imagined I could run a marathon, yet now, here I am, really 'up for this!'. I am having the time of my life, and when the training gets tough I just remember that it is nothing compared with going through chemo or worrying if you are going to survive.