In the summer of 2015, two carefree young men decided that walking the Victorian line was a sensible idea, raising some hard-earned cash for Unicef in the process. Little did we realise that this humble act of spontaneous goodwill would result in the Not-So-Circle Line being tackled the next year, and the Bakerloo line the year after that. Having received over £1250 last year (taking the collective total to over £3300 in three years), we are setting the target high again.
Foolishly, we neglected to realise that, by starting with the shortest proper line (take that, Waterloo and City) when we were young and able(ish)-bodied, we were sentencing ourselves to ever-longer walks that severely impact on our ageing frames.
So, this year sees us take on the behemoth that is the Northern line, all 50 stations and 36 miles of it. In order to visit every stop on the day, separate teams will tackle the different branches, before meeting at Morden. It's a logistical nightmare. At least we'll be doing it before the Nine Elms extension opens.
We've always welcomed additional trekkers - please feel free to join us and spread the word.
Yours achingly,
David, Peter, and several others.