David Henry Hart led a selfless life, serving his community whilst seeking no praise for himself.
- Military Policeman (straight from school, aged 18)
- Teacher and headteacher of Lyndhurst First School (now known as St Michael & All Angels CE Infant School) for 30 years
- Justice of the Peace 1971 - 1999
- Honorary Life Member of the National Association of Headteachers, Hampshire branch, for his services to early years education. David held executive roles at local and branch level, mainly as treasurer
- Methodist lay preacher
- Town councillor
- Umpire, Honorary President and even a part time handyman of New Milton Ladies Hockey Club, now New Forest Hockey Club
- Active member of New Forest Golf Club for 15 years
- Active member of Walhampton Golf Club for 4 years
- Mummer. If you sat in a New Forest pub years ago and were entertained by amusingly attired people with faces hidden and a play about King George and turkey snipes, that might have been David and friends raising funds for local charities
- Regular contributor to the New Milton Advertiser, contributing match reports for hockey and golf clubs over many decades - celebrating the exploits of others.
He was a much loved husband, father, granddaddy and friend too.
...and much more besides.
In retirement, David developed his passion for art, creating works of wonder and raising awareness and funds for Médecins Sans Frontières whilst entertaining passers by via the fence based art gallery.
Throughout his life, David maintained his quirky sense of humour bringing a smile to the faces of those around him.
David fought hard against illness for two years, rarely complaining despite it’s relentless progression. Oakhaven Hospice cared for him for over a year, bringing kindness, understanding and dignity throughout. They served as a central point of contact, coordinating the many agencies that became involved during his care and eventually admitted him to the hospice as an inpatient for his last few weeks. At this point David surprised us all by fighting on. The nurses were always chuckling at his witty banter and formed a queue for bespoke artworks. I’m not sure what they thought of his harmonica, however.
Eventually David lost the fight and passed away peacefully on 24 January 2021.
We, David’s family, are eternally grateful to Oakhaven for their care of David and have set up this funding page in an effort to spread the word about their great work and to help ensure that they will be there in the future for those that need them.
I cannot say, I will not say
He is not here, he is just away
With a cheery smile and a wave of the hand
He has wandered off to an unknown land
And left us dreaming....how very fair
It needs to be....since he lingers there
And you - o you who wildest yearn
For the old time step and the glad return
Think of him faring on, as dear
In the love of there....as in love of here
Think of him still...as the same, I say
He is not here....just gone away
James Whitcome Riley - selected, and quite possibly modified slightly, by David